The benefits of Affiliate Member of FOBISIA include:
- FOBISIA Affiliate Membership badge for marketing purposes
- A listing in FOBISIA’s termly newsletter for Member Schools, THE FOBISIAN
- Company details posted on the FOBISIA website and published in the Affiliate Members' Directory
- Discounted rates to exhibit at the Annual FOBISIA Leadership Conference, space permitting
- Opportunity to sponsor at the Annual FOBISIA Leadership Conference, space permitting
- Opportunity to exhibit and/or sponsor at other conferences throughout the year
- Opportunity to send an eShot (Once per term, subject to availability) to Member Schools via Mailchimp
- Opportunity to post news and updates on the Affiliate Member News Feed on the FOBISIA Website (once per term)
- Opportunity to submit a webinar proposal to be considered as part of the termly Webinar Series
FOBISIA does not take responsible for the accuracy of information provided by Affiliate Members, and
Affiliate Membership of the Federation does not represent endorsement by FOBISIA of a member's service, programme or activity.
FOBISIA's Constitution allows for related organisations, including education organisations and suppliers of interest to FOBISIA's Member Schools, to apply for Affiliate Membership of the Federation. Affiliate Members cannot attend meetings, do not have voting rights, cannot hold office on the FOBISIA Board. Affiliate Members are invited to attend FOBISIA's Annual Leadership Conference, and may be admitted to other FOBISIA events as decided by the Board.
FOBISIA's existing Affiliate Members are generally represented in one or more of the following categories, depending on the nature of the products, services and activities they offer to the Federation's Member Schools:
- Assessment & Curriculum Services;
- Consultancy & Management Services;
- Financial Services;
- Inspectorates & Accreditation Services;
- IT Services, Software & Systems;
- Professional Development & Coaching;
- Recruitment Services;
- School Activities;
- School Suppliers;
- Teaching & Learning Resources.
The Federation is currently developing its provision to better cater for not-for-profit organisations through the membership.
Education organisations and suppliers that are interested in joining the Federation can contact a member of the Board or FOBISIA HQ to discuss membership and request a FOBISIA Affiliate Membership Pack.
Applicants must successfully complete an Affiliate Membership Application, which includes at least two references from existing or past clients, and a signed copy of FOBISIA's Code of Conduct for Affiliate Members. Applicants must demonstrate the relevance and commitment of their organisation to the Federation, including competence in supporting the activities and purpose of FOBISIA's Member Schools.
Once it receives an Affiliate Membership Application, FOBISIA HQ provides written acknowledgement of receipt of the application, and the FOBISIA Board, through its Membership Committee, makes a determination about membership. Annual Affiliate Membership Fees are invoiced per academic year (1 September to 31 August) and currently sit at SGD 630 per member (this fee is subject to change from year to year).
Successful Applicants are admitted as Affiliate Members once their Annual Affiliate Membership Fees have been paid. New Affiliate Members are invited by FOBISIA HQ to commence their Annual Affiliate Membership Benefits once proof of payment is received.
Please read our FAQs for more information on FOBISIA Affiliate Membership.
Please find all the necessary documents for your application in the links below. Kindly ensure that you’ve reviewed each document and completed all forms fully. Once you’re ready, please submit everything to We’ll keep you updated on your status throughout the application process.
Become an Affiliate Member
Thank you for your interest in becoming an Affiliate Member of FOBISIA! To assist you in your application, please find the links to our Affiliate Membership Pack below:
- FOBISIA's Introduction Letter
- Benefits & FAQs
- Affiliate Membership Application Form (please complete in full)
- Affiliate Membership Code of Conduct (please read and sign)
How to Apply
To apply for membership, please ensure you submit the following documents:
- Completed Application Form
- Signed Code of Conduct
- Copy of Company Certificate of Registration (if applicable)
- At least two references from schools, preferably from FOBISIA member schools (FOBISIA will contact your references directly)
Important: All required documents must be submitted for your application to be processed. Once your application is complete, we will forward it to our Membership Committee and contact you with the outcome.