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The Federation of British International Schools in Asia

CLARITY Learning Suite Global

The online Professional Learning within CLARITY Learning Suite (CLS) is based on Lyn Sharratt’s text “CLARITY - What Matters MOST in Learning, Teaching and Leading”. The focus is on building teacher and leader capacity to increase student achievement and growth in an ongoing, sustainable way. The CLS offers a strong professional learning experience that touches system and school leaders and teachers across the globe.

• On-going
• Evidence proven
• Sustainable
• Collaborative
• Timely and Accessible

Based on the research that informs the 14 Parameters Framework for School and System Improvement (Fullan and Sharratt);

Based on the research that informs the 14 Parameters Framework for School and System Improvement (Fullan and Sharratt);

The CLS begins with and continually returns to its foundation: Parameter #1: Shared Beliefs and Understandings – all children can learn, all teachers can teach – given time and the right support; high expectations and early and ongoing intervention are critical; and leaders, teachers and leaders can clearly articulate why they lead, teach, and learn the way they do;

Enables participants to work through the CLS in Learning, Teaching and Leading Sections, in 12 Modules, each Module having several Sessions.

The Suite includes rich libraries of templates and resources to support the learning.

A Members Directory, forums, members’ groups and private messaging facilitate collaboration and discussion between CLS participants.

The online CLS can be supported by the CLS team of researchers and practitioners through individual and group coaching/workshops appropriate to your context.

For further information and enquiries visit or contact us by email at