International Child Protection Advisors (ICPA) are committed to meeting the specific child protection and safeguarding needs of the International Schools and organisations that we work with around the world, helping them to manage the risks and maintain the highest standards.
ICPA works with International Schools in the development and planning for a safer school where the responsibilities set out in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child to protect children from all forms of abuse are met.
We offer advice and create customised support with tailored solutions to the different risks faced by International Schools, by developing policies and codes of conduct for all staff. We assist in the implementation of your core values where children are concerned, by design and delivery of bespoke training for your team.
Our Services include:
Provide a discovery audit for your school of the current safeguarding measures in place, identify any gaps and risks
Develop strategies to reduce identified risk through the provision of an action plan for implementation.
Develop and strengthen your child safeguarding policies and procedures
Review of existing policies on recruitment, codes of conduct
Advice on reporting issues at international/national/local levels
Staff induction and specialist training for your staff
How to recognise signs of abuse and respond to disclosures by children
Look at third party stakeholder engagement and any risks
Awareness raising for teachers, children and parents (online and offline risks)
Provide advice and guidance on internal investigations
Advice on the management of reputational risks and management of cases with the authorities.
Alliance with an independent accreditation service
Advice on monitoring and implementation of all the above
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Please contact if you would like to discuss your specific requirements.