Junior Duke Award
The Junior Duke Award is a life skills Award for children aged 3-13. It was created in 2006 by a Glasgow primary school teacher called Dawn Waugh. For the first eight years, it was just for pupils in her school because, amongst other things, so many children seemed unable to turn their clothes around to get dressed after PE! The Award has morphed since then and has become one level for each of the school years from pre-school to Year 8. Most of the levels have fourteen challenges, from which, the student must complete ten.
In working through the Award, the aim is that children grow in confidence, independence and resilience and develop a feeling of empowerment and achievement.
Since an encouraging School Inspection visit of her school in 2015 when the Inspectors saw the Award in action and called it ‘sector leading’ and ‘innovative practice’ and said that ‘all children everywhere should get to do it’, Dawn ensured that it is now available to all.
Throughout the Award, there are nearly 140 challenges which include life skills like: puncture repair, budgeting for packed lunches, trip planning, fire building, exercise, presentation skills, knot tying, cookery, first aid, swimming, sustainability etc.There are also challenges which help children to learn more about their own country as well as others’ cultures.
In Dawn’s school, it was usual for the academic, sporty and musical children to receive accolades in assembly while the other, hard working, lovely children who hadn’t discovered their skill or talent yet, remained anonymous. This Award gives every child, whatever their ability, their moment of glory in front of the school.
While some schools offer the Junior Duke as an extra curricular activity or model the skills within the timetable, most schools expect pupils to work on their tasks at home, therefore not encroaching on the school day. Teachers assess quickly by reading self-reflections and looking at photographic evidence. This creates very natural conversation and great links with home. On completion of a level, children earn a certificate and metal badge and, in most cases, lots of house points.
Dawn’s vision is to spread the Junior Duke Award around the world, giving every child the affordable opportunity to discover a variety of experiences and to learn skills they may otherwise not have encountered whilst growing into capable young adults.
Come and join our ever-growing family of Junior Duke schools in over 40 countries and see your children grow!
Website: https://juniorduke.com/