Music Teachers in International Schools
Music Teachers In International Schools (MTIIS) is a global network and support service for the world’s international school music teachers. Through a range of free (podcast, webinars, sponsor giveaways) and paid (workshops, seminars & conferences) channels, MTIIS focuses on supporting teacher professional learning events & student workshops.
The MTIIS team has recently managed the coordination of large-scale professional learning events in Thailand, India, Japan & Malaysia, including full-scale support and management of the following:
- Logistics
- Transport
- Hotels
- Catering
- Workshop timetables
- Workshop organisation and procurement
- Website creation/development/management
- Marketing
- Social media
- Communications
- Delegate payments
- Procurement of sponsorships
MTIIS has also provided hosting support, marketing and logistics for orchestral, contemporary music and electronic music student workshops/festivals with international schools (including many FOBISIA schools) in Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, India, Hong Kong, Japan, UAE, Germany, Italy, France, Austria, Switzerland, The Netherlands & Luxembourg.
The aim of MTIIS services s to allow music teachers to do more ‘musicking’ and spend less time working before/during/after school on logistics tasks. Our team is familiar with suppliers and systems in multiple countries and has a deep understanding of the international school world.
Full details about MTIIS can be found here: