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The Federation of British International Schools in Asia

Renaissance Learning is a world leader in pre-K - 12 assessment and practice software.  With 32 years of experience, Renaissance enables over 52,000 schools in 92 countries to drive incredible student growth.  Renaissance's assessment, practice and professional development solutions help educators and teachers to analyse, customize and plan personalized learning paths for students, saving precious time to create the best learning experiences in the classroom.  Schools and learning centres across the world rely on Renaissance solutions to help ensure that every student has the opportunity to be their most amazing self.

Renaissance's products and services include:

Assessment Software

  • Star Reading
  • Star Early Literacy

Literacy Development Software

  • Accelerated Reader
  • myON® Reader
  • English in a Flash


  • Professional Development

Always a step ahead of the traditional learning methods, Renaissance products:

  • Greatly unburden teachers and provide precious actionable student learning insights
  • Provide a student-centred learning environment and facilitate personal learning paths
  • Dramatically increase students' interest and empower them to master learning

Visit to arrange a free demo for your school today!